When you invest abroad and have fiscal residency exclusively in Brazil, you must declare your investments only in the Brazilian Income Tax.
All gains and income (such as dividends, interest, coupons, etc.) must be consolidated in a new DIRPF Form created by the Federal Revenue, where it will be possible to offset losses between these investments abroad.
Note that compensation for tax paid abroad on income and gains from these financial investments is permitted.
If the result at the end of the year is positive (income and gains exceeded losses), the 15% rate will be applied to it to collect income tax (once a year).
If the result is negative, the uncompensated balance of losses can be used in subsequent years (to offset future gains and income). In other words, it is important to maintain a record of losses in the DIRPF for future use.
Important: the guidelines above refer to the 2024 fiscal year, that is, the amounts will only be reported in the 2025 Income Tax Declaration.