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Where I cannot transact with my Nomad global account?

In order to provide a safe environment for our customers to transact, Nomad adopts internal processes and policies to ensure that our products and services are not used in places that do not properly comply with laws and provide security for Nomad and its customers. 

To guarantee the information described, Nomad does not transact in establishments related to the following activities: 

  • Crimes of a sexual nature;
  • Financial exploitation;
  • Gambling;
  • Money laundering;
  • Products/services considered illegal by the competent jurisdictions;
  • Sale or distribution of illegal substances;
  • Theft;
  • Blockchain - Cryptocurrencies.

We reiterate that Nomad will not accept customers offering these products, services, or sales methods. Transactions made with the account and card for these purposes may be declined.

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