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How do I reset my Nomad password?

To reset your app password, open the Nomad app and tap Enter.

Enter your CPF and select the I forgot my password option.

We will send an email with a 6-digit code that you must enter into your app.

Then enter your date of birth.

Afterwards, a screen will appear to create your new password, which must contain the following requirements:

  • Exactly 8 digits;
  • At least one symbol (! @ # $ % ^ & *);
  • At least one uppercase character;
  • At least one lowercase character
  • At least one number.

Important: If you have set the auto-complete option on your device's keyboard, it is possible that this setting will insert one more character or space after entering your new password, and, as a result, the "Continue" screen will remain disabled. To complete the action, ensure this keyboard option is not set, or press "delete" one character and continue with the password change.



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