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What do I do when I have a problem with the store, product, or service?

If you have a problem with the service or product you received, try to solve the problem with the store where the purchase or error occurred. If you cannot get a satisfactory solution, you can request a dispute with Nomad.

You can start a dispute in the following situations:

  • I did not receive the product/service;
  • I had problems with the quality of the product/service;
  • I received the product, but it is broken or defective;
  • I received the product, but it doesn't match the store's description or doesn't work as described;
  • I returned a product to the store, but there was no chargeback.

It can take up to 90 days to complete the analysis of the challenge, but it is possible that the result will be provided faster depending on the characteristics of your account and your dispute.

Therefore, we recommend you always pursue a resolution with the store before filing a dispute with Nomad.

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