International Account
About the Nomad international account
- Where can I see my Nomad international account details?
- What is the routing number?
- What is the SWIFT, and what is it for?
- Why does the Nomad global account not have the IBAN code?
- Can I deposit cash amounts in my Nomad international account?
- Where can I see my monthly statements?
- See all 7 articles
Receipt of Bank Transfers
- Why was the transfer I should have received reversed?
- Can I receive transfers directly in my Nomad global account?
- How do I receive international transfers on my Nomad global account?
- How do I receive transfers via an external application?
- I didn't receive a transfer. What should I do?
- Are there places from which I cannot receive transfers?
- See all 7 articles
Sending Bank Transfers
- How do I transfer money from my Nomad global account to another Nomad account?
- Is sending transfers to accounts abroad (outside the US) possible?
- How do I send deposits from my Nomad international account to other US-based accounts?
- To whom can I send money from my Nomad international account?
- When trying to send a transfer through the app, the Routing Number appears invalid. What should I do?
- Could I cancel a transfer sent from my Nomad global account?
- See all 9 articles