Exchange operations
General information
- Can I cancel the contracting of an exchange operation?
- Where do I see my balance in reais?
- Can I request a chargeback of my balance in reais?
- Can I convert my balance to euros or other currencies other than US dollars?
- Can I use the balance in reais to buy and transfer money?
- Can I transfer my balance in reais to my account at Banco Iti?
- See all 11 articles
Exchange to USA
- My currency exchange to the Nomad International Account was not instantaneous. Why?
- How do I make a currency exchange transaction to add funds to my Nomad International Account?
- What is the timeframe for receiving my exchange operation on the Nomad International Account?
- I made a currency exchange but did not receive the US dollars in my Nomad international account within the expected timeframe. What should I do?
- How do I make a currency exchange transaction to add funds to my investment account?
- Which data should I use to do the transfer?
- See all 11 articles
Exchange to Brazil
- I did not receive my transfer to Brazil within the expected timeframe. What do I do?
- How can I exchange money and transfer it to my Brazilian checking account?
- What is the minimum amount to exchange to Brazil?
- Can I receive the amount in a brazilian checking account from a third party?
- How long does it take to receive my exchange operation in the brazilian checking account?
- I filled in the brazilian checking account data incorrectly in the app. How can I adjust?
Quote, fees, and limits
- What is my limit for exchange operations?
- Can I request an increase in my exchange limits?
- What fees are charged when sending amounts to Brazil?
- What are the fees charged when sending money to the US?
- What is the quotation used by Nomad in exchange operations ?
- Why is there a difference in the IOF rate charged on exchange operations to my international account and to my investment account?
Nomad Dollar
- What is the Nomad Dollar?
- What is the advantage of buying the Nomad Dollar?
- How do I buy the Nomad Dollar?
- What is the fee used to buy the Nomad Dollar?
- Can the amount I will receive from the Nomad Dollar change up until the date of receipt?
- How long does it take for the Nomad Dollar to be available for use?
- See all 13 articles
Automatic Conversion
- What is automatic conversion and how do I request it?
- Which information do I need to request automatic conversion?
- When will my automatic conversion be done?
- What is the deadline for the automatic conversion to be completed?
- Can I delete an automatic conversion request?
- What is the minimum amount to request automatic conversion?
- See all 10 articles
- What is Nomad's installment plan?
- How does Nomad's installment payment work?
- How can I add money in installments to my Nomad account?
- Which values can be added in installments?
- What are the installment fees?
- When I complete the installment plan, what is the deadline for receiving the amount on the Nomad account?
- See all 11 articles